Mary Pappert School of Music
Mary Pappert School of Music은 Pennsylvania 주 Pittsburg에 위치한 Duquesne 대학의 음대입니다. Performance, Music Technology,
Music Therapy 프로그램이 유명합니다. 1926년 설립되었고 미국음대연맹 (NASM) 회원 학교이며, all-Steinway school 입니다
DU Mary Pappert School of Music Application Process
학부과정으로 Bachelor of Music in Performance, Bachelor of Music in Music Technology, Bachelor of Science in Music Education,
Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy 를 offer하고, 대학원과정으로 Master of Music: Major in Instrumental Performance, Master of Music: Major in Music Education, Master of Music: Major in Music Technology, Master of Music: Major in Sacred Music, Artist
Diploma in Music Performance를 offer합니다.
음대는 instrumental과 vocal program에서 최고의 명성을 갖습니다. 학교는 항상 각종행사로 붐비며, 게시판에는 연주자를
구하는 게시물로 넘치고, 많은 저명한 음악가들이 방문하며, 연습실은 충분하고 시설이 잘 갖추어져 있습니다.
음대는 City Music Center가 Home이고, 학생들이 참가할 수 있는 orchestra, ballet, Mendelssohn Choir, playhouse, jazz clubs 등이 산재하며, 유명한 Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra, Pittsburg Opera가 존재해서 학교의 주가를 높입니다.
Duquesne University Facilities
학교의 Award-winning ensembles로 Symphony Orchestra, Wind Symphony, Symphony Band, The Voices of Spirit, Men's Chorale,
Jazz Ensemble가 있고, State of the Art Facilities로는 PNC Recital Hall, Dr. Thomas D. Pappert Center for Performance & Innovation,
이밖에 Technology studios, practice room 등이 있습니다.
교수진은 뛰어난 composer, arranger, performer를 망라하며 다수의
DU Mary Pappert School of Music Orchestras & Ensembles
음대의 알려진 교수로 Ann Labounsky (Pipe Organ), Claudia Pinza Bozzolla (Voice), George Vosburgh (Trumpet), David Stock
(Composer-in-Residence), Joseph Willcox Jenkins (Composition), Sean Jones (Jazz Trumpet), Joe Negri (Jazz Guitar), Thomas Kikta
(Classical Guitar), Bill Purse,(Jazz Guitar Multiple Grammy winning Engineer), Jay Dudt (Music Technology) 등이 있습니다.
또 알려진 졸업생으로는 Van Cliburn (honorary), Joseph Carl Breil (the first person to compose a score specifically for a motion
picture), Gene Forrell (Composer and conductor), Sammy Nestico (composer and arranger of big band music), William Schultz
(President and CEO of Fender Musical Instruments Corporation), Bobby Vinton (graduated 1956; honorary Doctorate in Music in 1978), H. Robert Reynolds (conductor: honorary) 등이 있습니다.