Top 10 schools
1. Johns Hopkins University Peabody
Institute of Music
Department website: Organ
Notable Faculty: John Walker Jeremy Filsell Daniel Aune
Alumni story Filsell Studio Walker Studio
2. Oberlin College- Conservatory of Music
Department website: Organ
Notable Faculty: Jonathan William Moyer Christina Rakich
3. Rider University Westminster
Choir College
Department website: Organ
Notable Faculty: Jason Roberts
4. Juilliard School
Department website Organ
Notable Faculty: Paul Jacobs
5. Curtis Institute of Music
Department website: Organ
Notable Faculty: Alan Morrison
6. Indiana University Jacobs School
of Music
Department website: Organ & Sacred Music Studies
Notable Faculty: Janette Fishell Vincent Carr Marilyn Keiser Christopher Young
7. Rice University Shepherd School
of Music
Department website: Organ
Notable Faculty: Ken Cowan George Baker Rick Erickson Robert Simpson
8. University of Rochester Eastman
School of Music
Department website: Organ, Sacred Music, and Historical Performance
Notable faculty: David Higgs William Porter Nathan Laube
9. USC Thornton School of Music
Department website: Organ
Notable faculty Ladd Thomas Cherry Rhodes
10. Southern Method University
Meadows School of Music
Department website: Organ
Notable Faculty: Stefan Engels Christopher S. Anderson
Alumni story Inah Park Scott Scheetz Joshua Zenter-Barrett
※ Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Yale School of Music, New England Conservatory of Music은 organ performance 전공
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