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Juilliard Prep School

페이지 정보

작성자 뮤직에임 작성일16-12-20 10:26 조회21,758회 댓글0건


안녕하세요, 미국음대유학 뮤직에임 입니다. 질문하신 내용에 대한 답변 입니다.

2017-2018 Application Deadlines and Pre-Screening for Violin

To qualify for a live audition, applicants must submit the following:

1. Pre-College Application for Admission

2. A pre-screening audio-video recording containing two contrasting works that conform to the age requirements as follows. Two movements of a concerto are acceptable.  Recordings must be submitted via our online getacceptd portal by March 1, 2017. Please submit each piece and/or movement in a separate file.

Applicants who pass the pre-screening round will be invited for an audition in May.

All auditions must be performed from memory.  Appropriate accompaniment is required for the live audition.

 Students through age 11:

Major and minor scales and arpeggios in three octaves.

An étude on the level of Mazas, Kayser, or Dont (Op. 37). A slow and fast movement of a concerto by a composer such as deBeriot, Viotti, Rode, Bach, or Mozart. A contrasting work to No. 3 above.

Students from ages 12 through 14:

Major and minor scales and arpeggios in three octaves.

An étude on the level of Dont (Op. 37), Kreutzer, Fiorillo, or Rode. A slow and fast movement from a concerto by a composer such as Kabalevsky, Mozart, Bruch, Wieniawski, or Lalo. A contrasting work to No. 3 or a movement of unaccompanied Bach.

Students ages 15 and older:

  1. Major and minor scales and arpeggios in three octaves.
An étude on the level of Rode, Dont (Op. 35), Paganini, or Weiniawski. A slow and fast movement from a substantial Romantic or contemporary concerto. One movement of unaccompanied Bach.

 English Proficiency

All non-U.S. citizens for whom English is a second language must pass an English Proficiency Test to be admitted into the Pre-College. The Pre-College faculty prepares a test that assesses whether the student can understand the vocabulary used in classes, rehearsals, and lessons, and can clearly communicate in English.

Students accepted into the division who fail the English Proficiency Test may be granted a one year leave of absence, during which time they are expected to learn English and continue their music studies privately. Upon their return, these students will be tested again in English to determine if they may register in the Pre-College.

> > > 저는 Juilliard Prep School에 입학하기를 원하는 중학교 3학년 학생입니다. 전공은 바이올린이고요. 원서마감일과 prescreen 레퍼토리, 영어시험에 대한 정보를 얻을 수 있을까요? 항상 자세한 정보 알려주셔서 감사합니다^^ >


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