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UT Austin, UNT, U of Houston in-state tuition 적용 조건

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작성자 뮤직에임 작성일15-10-15 11:17 조회24,699회 댓글0건


회원님 질문 주셔서 감사합니다. UNT의 경우 오디션에서 $1,000 이상의 장학금 offer를 받으면 타주나 유학생에게도 in state tuition을 적용한다고 학교 scholarship & financial Aids section에 명시가 되어 있어서 알겠는데 질문이 나온 김에 위 세 학교에 문의를 해서 답장을 받았습니다. 관심 있는 여러분들 참조하시라고 전문을 게재합니다.
UT Austin/Butler School of Music
Dear Kathleen,
A student's application for admission to the Butler School of Music also serves as his/her Music scholarship application. Scholarship nominations are made by the faculty based on the admission application and the student's audition ranking (if they are a performance major). The faculty's nominations are then reviewed by the School's Student Awards Committee, and awards are determined by those recommendations, the availability of scholarship funds and the enrollment needs of the School. Unfortunately, we do not have the scholarship resources available to make an award to every student who is nominated.
The Student Awards Committee can award a waiver (officially known as a "Non-Resident Tuition Exemption" or "NRTE") to a student who has also been awarded a scholarship of at least $1000 for the academic year. A waiver allows a non-resident student to pay Texas resident tuition rates (it only waives the non-resident portion). However, each school/department at UT is allocated a limited number of waivers each year.
A student with a 50% (20 hour) TA appointment is also eligible for a waiver of the non-resident portion of their tuition. TA decisions are made by the individual instrument teachers and by the division heads of the academic areas.
Our graduate admissions website has information regarding applications, auditions, etc. If you don't find the answers to your audition questions there, please contact Dan Seriff, our Graduate Admissions Coordinator, at mga@mail.music.utexas.edu.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions regarding Music scholarships and/or waivers.
Best wishes,
Anne Hall
Scholarship/Assistantship Coordinator
Butler School of Music, the University of Texas at Austin
University of North Texas
Dear Kathleen:
Thank you for your interest in the College of Music at UNT. Everyone who applies and auditions for admission to the College of Music is considered for scholarship based on their audition/application portfolio.  At UNT, any competitive scholarship of at least $1,000 per academic year includes a waiver of out-of-state tuition.  This means a person receiving that scholarship would receive $500 per long semester and be allowed to pay in-state tuition rates.  Academic scholarships from UNT are competitive based on your academics and College of Music scholarships are competitive based on your talent.
College of Music application can be found at http://music.unt.edu/sites/default/files/15-16_GR_Screenshot_Ap.pdf.
Though live auditions are always preferred, many people audition by recording, from all around the world.
Application and fee information can be found at http://tsgs.unt.edu/future-students/graduate-admissions.
Important information about International Admissions can be found at http://tsgs.unt.edu/international.
Cost of attendance for international students can be found at .
Best wishes as you consider your future music education choices.
Becky Hughes
Assistant to the Dean, Admissions and Scholarship Services
University of North Texas, College of Music
becky.hughes@unt.edu 940.369.7771 940.369.5932 (fax)
University of Houston/ Moores School of Music
Hi Kathleen,
In order to receive the in-state tuition rate, you must be awarded a scholarship of $1000 or more. Scholarships are decided based on your audition.
We have made exceptions for students who are unable to perform a live audition to submit a recorded audition with their application.
Stacia Morgan Dunn, Scholarship Coordinator, Moores School of Music Graduate Academic Advisor
3333 Cullen Blvd., Rm. 120, Houston, Texas 77204-4017
713.743.3314 713.743.3166 slmorgan@uh.edu 
> > > 안녕하세요, 항상 사이트를 통해서 좋은 정보를 얻어 감사한 마음입니다. 저는 미국음대 석사과정으로 유학 가려는 성악전공의 학생입니다. 경제적인 사정으로 학비와 물가가 비싼 학교, 지역은 생각할 수가 없어서 학비와 생활비가 저렴하다는 Texas 주에 있는 주립대로 지원을 하려고 하는데, 학비도 찾아 보니 년 $16,000 정도로 저에게는 부담이 되는 액수더라고요. Texas 주에서 Opera Studies program이 뛰어난 UT Austin, UNT, 그리고 University of Houston 이렇게 세 학교를 지원하려고 하는데 오디션을 잘하면 학비를 그곳 주립대학생이 내는 학비를 내게 해준다는데, 그 조건이 무엇인지요? 그리고 이밖에 유학생이 지원할 수 있는 장학금이 또 있는지도 궁금합니다. 알아보시고 답변 주시면 감사하겠습니다. >


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