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U of Utah Musical Theater program

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작성자 뮤직에임 작성일15-06-26 16:08 조회23,572회 댓글0건


안녕하세요, 뮤직에임 입니다. 질문 주셔서 감사합니다.

University of Utah Musical theater program은 생긴지 4~5년 된 신생 프로그램이지만 여느 지방의 MT 대학들처럼 들어가기가 쉽지 않을뿐더러, 장래 뮤지컬 배우를 꿈꾸는 학부학생들에게 확실히 꿈을 이룰 수 있는 확고한 기반을 쌓을 수 있는 프로그램이라고 하겠습니다. ATP (Actor Training Program)와 함께 MTP (Musical Theater Program) 역시 B.F.A. 학위를 받습니다

National Unified Auditions for undergraduate B.F.A. programs in theater (National Unified Auditions) 참여학교이기 때문에 매년 New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles에서 regional audition을 하며, 많은 학생들이 이 학교 오디션에 참여합니다. MT 전공자는 졸업할 때까지 4년 간 성악교수님에게 개인교습을 받습니다. 현재 이 학교 2학년과정을 마친 학생의 말을 들으면 매년 놀라울 정도로 자산의 실력이 늘고 있다는 느낌을 받는다고 합니다.

University of Utah Musical Theater program 1980년대에 제법 유명한 학과였다고 합니다. 이후 학교가 Dance program 중심으로 바뀜에 따라 MT program Actor Training 프로그램을 돕기 위한 프로그램역할을 하다가 최근 B.F.A, 프로그램으로 재 탄생한 것이죠. 많은 사람들이 이 학교의 MT program이 수 년내에 비약적인 발전을 하리라고 믿고 있습니다. 학교의 프로그램소개 URL을 참조하시라고 게재합니다. Department of Theatre » Musical Theatre Program (BFA)

Utah MT program 오디션을 치른 학생의 경험과 학교에 대한 생각을 표현한 글이 있기에 참조하시라고 역시 게재합니다.

Hey there!

I auditioned on campus February 25th and before then had been in contact with some current students. I'm going to go ahead and share what one student shared with me and then add some of my personal observations/experiences from visiting the campus/auditioning. This post may not be super cohesive, but I'm just trying to get out all of the information I have.


"I feel like I'm growing A LOT. The ballet department here is top in the nation so my technique has come a really long way. Dave (the head of the program/one of the department voice teachers) is GREAT I’ve known him for years and I can honestly say he saved my voice. And the ATP (actor training program) faculties here are remarkable and very caring.

As far as performance opportunities go there are 2 musicals a year, one main stage (this year HAIR) and a black box (this year WILD PARTY) as well as 5 or 6 straight plays. But beyond that we are attached to PIONEER THEATRE COMPANY which is a well known regional theatre that is located on the campus. We get to audition for them and work as interns on some of their shows which is great for building equity points before graduation. There are also TONS of professional and semi professional theatre around to audition for."


My personal experience at the school was absolutely wonderful. I met about 6 of the current MT students and each one was kind and friendly. The staffs were all extremely warm and welcoming.

The audition felt very much like a workshop. We did our monologues and songs in a classroom and in front of the rest of the auditionees. We were given adjustments and asked to re-do certain parts of our monologues. It was really interesting and educational. I felt like I learned SO much in those couple of hours. If I can learn that much from an audition, I can only imagine what I'd learn by actually studying there.

As the student said, there is a profession, regional theatre right on the campus. One sophomore has been cast in every show she has auditioned for there and will be eligible for her equity card very soon. There are also other professional performing opportunities all over the city. Two of the freshman are currently in the US Premier of "Zorro the Musical" at a theatre about 20 minutes away from campus.

The program is also great about bringing in professionals to teach master classes. Jeff Whiting (director/Broadway choreographer), Jason Robert Brown and Sondheim are a few of the recent master class teachers.


They really strive to create triple threats. The ballet department is extremely well known as one of the top dance programs in the country. The dance department works hand-in-hand with the MT department, giving fantastic training to the musical theatre majors. As far as voice is concerned, you study voice all four years with a teacher who is the same voice type as yourself. You're allowed to switch to a new teacher after your sophomore year, but they prefer that you stay with your same teacher all four years.

There are some juries. I can't remember if it's at the end of each semester or at the end of each year. Basically they just want to see that you are working hard and improving. The good thing about these juries is that you have to prepare a certain amount of songs (varies from year to year) for them. You work on these all year with your voice teacher. By the end of your time in the program you'll end up with 30-something songs in your book that you can nail.


You're right about it being a new program. As of now, there are only freshman and sophomore MT BFAs (40 students’ altogether.) But it is a great program that I have no doubt will quickly become well known. 

If you have any more questions, I can do my best to answer them. I can also ask the friends I made up there for answers to any questions I may not be able to answer on my own. 

도움이 되었으면 하는 바람입니다. 학교 프로그램에 대해서 더 궁금한 점이 있으면 알려주세요. 학교에 문의해서 답을 받아 드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.


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> > > 저는 성악을 전공하는 예고 학생입니다. Musical Theater 프로그램에 관심이 많아서 미국에 있는 MT 프로그램이 좋다고 알려져 있는 학교들을 research 하다가 우연치 않게 Utah 주에 있는 University of Utah Musical Theater program에 대해 듣게 되었습니다. 여기저기 찾아 보아도 이 프로그램에 대한 정보가 많지 않은 것 같은데 이 프로그램에 대해 가능한 자세히 정보를 알고 싶습니다. 감사합니다. >


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