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Re: Tanglewood & Interlochen summer camp

페이지 정보

작성자 뮤직에임 작성일17-11-16 17:36 조회32,640회 댓글0건



어머님 안녕하세요. 뮤직에임에 문의를 주셔서 감사합니다. 현재 10학년이고 국제학교에 재학 중이고 trombone 전공한다고 하셨죠? 찾아 보니 camp가 너무 많은데, 일단 알려진 music camp 중에 현악 (제일 많죠^^), 성악 빼고 (jazz도 뺐습니다, 나머지만 해도 충분할 것 같아서요) 전 악기 연주자들이 모두 참가할 수 있는 camp들을 정리했습니다. PDF 파일로 보내드립니다.

우선 Tanglewood와 Interlochen 두 camp에 대해서 설명드리고, 나머지 질문 있으면 받도록 하겠습니다.

BUTI (Boston University Tanglewood Institute)

Contact Information
•Email: tanglewd@bu.edu
•Phone: 617.353.3386
Boston University Tanglewood Institute
 855 Commonwealth Avenue
 Boston, MA 02215 USA
Admissions URL: http://www.bu.edu/cfa/tanglewood/_admissions/
Application deadline: January 22, 2018
Application: http://www.getacceptd.com

Audition (recorded or live )

There is no preference given to either recorded or live auditions; both methods are accepted and reviewed equally by BUTI. Applicants may audition in one of the following ways:
Video Recorded Audition - You will be prompted to upload your audition video(s) directly to the Admissions Application and will not be able to submit your Admissions Application until your audition materials have been successfully uploaded.
•Utilize BU School of Music Audition - For students who are also applying to a degree program at the BU School of Music, you may select to utilize your BU audition for your BUTI application (you must still submit this application).

Interlochen Center for the Arts

Contact Information
If you are a student or parent and would like more information about applying for and attending Interlochen Arts Camp summer programs, please complete this information request form.

Interlochen Center for the Arts
 Office of Admission and Financial Aid
 PO Box 199 (US Mail)
 9900 Diamond Park Rd. (FedEx, UPS, DHL)
 Interlochen, MI 49643

Phone: 800.681.5912 (toll-free within the United States) or 231.276.7472
Fax: 231.276.7464
Email: admission@interlochen.org

제공하는 프로그램
Application: https://icacommunity.force.com/interlochen/AC_CommunityLoggedOut
Application deadline: Feruary 1, 2018

Application Process and Required Items
1) Application for Admission. Go to the admissions community. The priority application date for programs that require an audition or portfolio is February 1, 2018. All other programs enroll on a rolling basis.

2) $50 non-refundable application fee. Online payment accepted through the online application form; check or money order also accepted.

3) Some programs require additional materials such as an audition or portfolio. Audition and portfolio requirements can be found on each program's web page

•High School Programs and One-Week Institutes (students currently in grades 9-12)
•Intermediate Programs (students currently in grades 6-9)
•Junior Programs (students currently in grades 3-6)

Audition and portfolio materials can be submitted online, after you have completed the Application for Admission. We also hold an Audition Tour in January for audition-based dance, music and theatre programs.

4) If you are requesting financial aid, a copy of your household's complete 2016 or 2017 Federal Income Tax Return. Follow this link for detailed financial aid information.

Admission Decisions

 Admission is not guaranteed and applicants are given an admission decision as quickly as possible. To accept the offer of admission, the enrollment agreement and non-refundable deposit must be returned to the Office of Admission and Financial Aid within two weeks of the acceptance notification.

Multiple Session Discount
Discounts may be available for students attending more than one session. For more information, see our Multiple Session Discount page.
  도움이 됐으면 좋겠습니다. 의문 나는 점이 있으면 연락 주시고요. 감사합니다.




 > 안녕하세요? 그저께 전화로 여름 캠프 문의드렸던 트롬본 지망생 엄마입니다.
> 아이는 국제학교 10학년으로 학교 밴드 수업에서 트롬본을 시작한지는 5년차입니다. 최근 음악에 대한 관심이 많아져서 이론공부도 함께 하고 있는데요. 내년 여름에 음악캠프를 미국으로 가고싶어합니다. 엄마인 제가 음악전공자가 아니다보니 적절한 캠프를 검색을 통하여 찾는것이 쉽지 않아서 이렇게 문의 드립니다.
> 주변에 물어보니 Tanglewood, Interlochen정도를 추천하는데 어느정도 수준인지 또 비슷한 공신력있는 서머캠프들이 어떤것들이 있는지 어떻게 준비해야하는지 궁금합니다.
> 아직 진로를 정한것은 아니라서 전공을 하게 될른지는 모르겠지만 전공을 하지 않더라고 워낙 좋아해서 음악대학이 있는 학교로 진학하고 싶어 합니다^^
> 제 질문이 좀 너무 전문적이지 않더라도 양해 부탁드리고요. 답변해주실수 있다면 정말 감사하겠습니다. 그리고 사이트에 올려주신 소중한 정보들 감사히 잘  얻어 갑니다.  감사합니다!


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