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Re: A question on NEC flute live audition repertoire

페이지 정보

작성자 뮤직에임 작성일20-08-28 14:19 조회16,749회 댓글0건



안녕하세요? 뮤직에임에 질문 주셔서 감사합니다 

New England Conservatory Admissions에 문의해서 답장을 받았습니다참조하시라고 전문을 게재합니다도움이 되시기를 바랍니다감사합니다.

Dear Kathleen, 


Thanks for your email. You should be prepared to perform the complete concerto, including the cadenza. The faculty may not ask to hear it, but you should be fully prepared.  

Good luck! 

All best, 

Emily Tweedy

Admissions Counselor: Strings & Woodwinds 

New England Conservatory





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