UNT 음대 작곡과 (MA)에서 요구하는 GRE 점수
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작성자 뮤직에임 작성일12-06-05 10:00 조회20,786회 댓글0건관련링크
요구하는 GRE minimum 점수는 없습니다. 다만 입학 첫 학기 오리엔테이션 주에 Graduate Placement Test (GPT)와 함께 학생들의 영어 구사력과 논쟁의 설득력을 평가하는 600-1000단어 정도의 영작문 시험을 봅니다. GRE 점수를 요구하지는 않지만 영작시험 대신으로 GRE verbal score룰 제출해도 좋다고 합니다.
The performance area requires an on-campus writing sample written at the beginning of the semester of matriculation. The writing examination is administered during orientation week, along with the GPE. The sample must reflect the candidate's ability to write cohesively. It must be in English approximately 600-1000 words in length. Evaluators will review the sample for command of the English language, the ability to present an argument in a cogent manner, and evidence of critical thinking. GRE scores are not required. However, in lieu of the writing sample, a GRE verbal score may be submitted.
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