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Re: USC, NYU, Michigan music business

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작성자 뮤직에임 작성일18-07-26 17:14 조회22,405회 댓글0건


안녕하세요. 문의한 내용에 대한 답변입니다. 지원할 학교가 결정됐다면 지원 가능합니다. 단 학생이 지금 “내가 한국에서 대학입시를 준비한다” 하는 마음가짐을 갖고 일을 진행해야 합니다. 본인이 노력하면 보름 만에도 원서지원을 마무리하는 학생들을 많이 보아 왔으니 그리 새삼스러운 일도 아닙니다. 학점은 현재 다니고 있는 학교의 학점을 기준으로 합니다.아래는 문의한 각 학교 프로그램에 대한 정보입니다. 문의한 내용은 별도로 표시했습니다. 도움이 됐으면 합니다. 문의할 사항 더 있으면 연락주세요. 감사합니다. USC Thornton 학과정보입니다. Thornton Music Industry BS (without audition) http://music.usc.edu/departments/industry/ The USC Thornton Music Industry program prepares students to succeed in a rapidly evolving industry largely based in the Los Angeles area. It offers an unparalleled education, blending academics, practical knowledge and hands-on experience for those seeking a career in all facets of the music business, including: artist management, the record industry, music publishing, radio, music instrument manufacturing and distribution, live promotion and production, and arts management. Students are mentored by faculties that include current and former industry professionals such as Mark Goldstein, Kenneth Lopez, Paul Young, Dax Kimbrough and others. Thornton Music Technology BM (Music Production) (with audition) http://music.usc.edu/departments/music-technology/ USC Thornton School of Music’s Music Technology program announces a new bachelor’s degree in Music Production that encompasses the creative, technical and business aspects of professional music. The major reflects the current and evolving nature of professional music making in the digital age, where the job description of today’s contemporary musician often includes composing and arranging, live and studio performance, audio engineering/editing and mastering, music synthesis and programming, as well as most or all of the business aspects related to music. The new major is designed to go beyond training “desktop” musicians who can master computer programs to include work with acoustic instruments and competence in the traditional skill sets of producers such as Don Was, Sir George Martin or Phil Ramone. Students enrolled in the program will also have the opportunity to develop skills using technology in live performance and multimedia. Music Production students will be expected to collaborate with songwriters, artists and bands at USC Thornton as well as video directors/designers and video game designers in the USC School of Cinematic Arts, USC Roski School of Art and Design, USC Viterbi School of Engineering and the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. NYU Steinhardt 학과정보입니다. NYU Steinhardt Music Business http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/music/business Before you start your NYU transfer application, review these common questions: Should I apply as a transfer student?: 예, 그렇게 해야 합니다. Summer and Fall External Transfers deadline: April 1 한 학기만 마치고 NYU에 전학하기는 경쟁이 심해서 힘들고, 보통 1년과정 (32학점)이상을 이수하고 전학하는 것이 일반적이다. How many credits should I have completed? Our most competitive applicants have completed at least 32 credits/points of liberal arts coursework by the time they enroll at NYU. This equals approximately one year of full-time study. What if I’m only in my first semester? Transfer admission for students currently in their first full-time semester of college is highly competitive. NYU’s evaluation will focus You should apply as a transfer if you: • Are currently or have been enrolled in an associate's degree or bachelor's degree program (part-time or full-time) at a college or university anywhere in the world; or • Have been enrolled in a non-degree conservatory or vocational training program. Follow these steps to apply as a transfer student to NYU. Step 1: Start and Complete the Common Application Online You’ll need: • Contact information for a professor or instructor who taught you at the college/university level and will complete your Instructor Evaluation. • Contact information for your adviser or a school official who will submit The College Report. This report verifies your previous or current enrollment at a college or university. • Contact information for a counselor or school official at the secondary/high school you attended who will complete your Common Application Final Report and submit your secondary/high school transcript. Please note that your transcript (or High School Equivalency Diploma) is required regardless of when you graduated. • Nonrefundable $70.00 application fee. >> Are you ready? Start the application now Step 2: Gather and Submit Necessary Documents You’ll need: • Official score reports that meet NYU’s standardized testing requirements. • English language testing if English is not your native language. • Official college/university transcripts from all institutions you have attended. Have the registrar send them to NYU. • A letter of recommendation from your previous guidance counselor if you have been enrolled in a college or university for less than one year. This is preferred, but not required. Step 3: Review and Complete Any Additional Program Requirements • See our Additional Program Requirements page for additional steps you may need to take to be eligible for admission. Founded in 1976, the NYU Music Business program prepares both graduate (MA) and undergraduate (BM) students to be leaders in the dynamic, global music marketplace of pop and commercial music. Academically rigorous and cross-disciplinary by definition, Music Business combines the boundless artistic resources of New York City with the cutting-edge inquiry and innovation of a major research university. Successful music business candidates are expected to be highly motivated and prepared to take advantage of a professional program set in the world's music business capital, New York City. In addition to providing structured courses, the curriculum promotes individual choices and development through an interactive classroom atmosphere, internships, participation in our record company, Village Records, and completion of research requirements. Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as the Program Board and radio station WNYU. NYU Steinhardt is one of the few universities in the country to offer a graduate degree in the music business field. Students learn the skills necessary to thrive in a fast-paced industry that relies on thoroughly-trained personnel. Our students are able to apply business administration theory to problems that have a strong aesthetic and artistic dimension. The Department of Music and Performing Arts offers a warm and collegial atmosphere. Music business students attend classes with faculty who are industry leaders in New York City. Our reputation, faculty, new facilities, andlocation provide students with a unique opportunity to develop as industry professionals and to make the contacts necessary to launch a professional career. The Department's acclaimed programs of study in Music Performance (Jazz, Music Theatre and Classical), Music Technology, Music Composition (Jazz, Traditional, Music Theatre and Film Scoring) and Music Education provide a rich and valuable array of elective courses for music business majors that prepare them for an ever-changing music industry and musical climate. The Music Business program offices are located on the 12th floor of the NYU Education Building, 35 W. 4th Street, New York, NY. BM, Music Business Undergraduate Contact:undergraduate.musicbusiness@nyu.edu University of Michigan 학과정보입니다. Michigan Music and Technology (Curriculum A) BM http://www.music.umich.edu/departments/pat/bm_curr_a.htm The Bachelor of Music in Music and Technology (Curriculum A) is designed for students who possess demonstrated interest in producing music with computer technology who are also performers in voice or on an acoustic instrument. 뮤직에임 운영자 드림 Tel: 02-514-9725 Mobile: 010-9945-0425 E-mail: musicaim@naver.com Web: http://www.music-aimhigh.com Café: http://cafe.daum.net/musicaim Blog: http://blog.naver.com/tbvjaosfhs > > > 답장 감사합니다. 몇 군데 관심 있는 music business 전공의 학교들을 찾아보았는데요, Thornton school 같은 경우에는 BS로 music industry 로 되어 있더라고요. Deadline이 12월 1일이었는데 지금부터 준비하면 원서는 넣어볼 수는 있는지 궁금합니다. > > 그리고 제가 듣기로는 편입하기가 보통 45학점이상 60학점 이하가 좋다고 하는데, NYU같은경우는 minimum credits가 32학점이었는데 32학점이 그 학교에서 인정해주는 credit이 32학점이어야한다는 것인지, 아니면 제가 지금 다니고 있는 학교에서 들었던 학점이 32학점 이상일 때 지원 가능한 것인지 (인정여부를 떠나서) 궁금합니다. 이 학교는 데드라인이 3, 4월인것같더라구요. > > 그리고 홈페이지 보니 University of Michigan에도 music business 학과가 있다고 하는데 어떤 명칭으로 되어있는지 궁금합니다. 항상 자세한 답변 감사드려요^^ > >


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