Re: Colburn School prescreen repertoire
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작성자 뮤직에임 작성일18-07-16 14:28 조회20,883회 댓글0건관련링크
Colburn Conservatory admissions에 문의해서 답변을 얻었습니다. 여러분이 참조하시라고 질문 내용과 답변 모두 원문대로 게시합니다.
Dear Admissions officer,
Hi, my name is Kathleen, Korean student who want to apply the Colburn School as an undergraduate student for fall term of 2019. I want to apply for your undergraduate flute performance program. Based on your prescreening repertoire, you require:
1) Mozart- Exposition of 1st and 2nd movements of Concerto in G Major or D Major (piano not necessary)
You want me to make recording without piano accompaniment, right?
2. One contrasting piece (solo flute or with optional piano)
I can make recording with piano accompaniment or without accompaniment (solo). It’s up to my choice, right?
3. Two excerpts from the following list:
• Mendelssohn Scherzo from A Midsummer Night’s Dream – 2 measures before P to the end
• Beethoven Leonore Overture No. 3, measures 328–360
• Brahms Symphony No. 4. Last movement, measures 93–105
• Debussy Afternoon of a Faun, measures 1–
I suppose to make a recording without accompaniment. Right?
I want to make sure if I correctly understand your prescreening instruction and your comment on my questions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention on my questions and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Respectfully yours, Kathleen Y. Kim, prospective undergraduate applicant
학교로부터 받은 답변입니다. 원문 개제합니다.
Dear Kathleen,
Thanks for your message. For the Mozart Concerto, piano accompaniment is not required. So if you want to record it without piano, that is fine and if you want to record it with piano, that is also fine. For #2, the contrasting piece can be a piece written for solo flute (with no written piano accompaniment), or it can be a piece written for flute and piano. If it was written for flute and piano, you can choose whether to record it with piano or without piano. For the excerpts, there should not be any accompaniment (it should be just you playing the excerpts). Hopefully this answers your questions!
Office of Admissions
Colburn Conservatory of Music
자매님, Colburn에서 답변이 와서 전달해드립니다. 2번은 피아노와 플루트를 위해서 쓰인 곡을 선택한 경우만 피아노 반주를 해도 된다네요. 답변이 되었으면 좋겠습니다. 감사합니다.
뮤직에임 운영자 드림
Tel: 02-514-9725 Mobile: 010-9945-0425
이번 해에 Colburn Conservatory 지원하려는 학부 학생입니다. 전공은 플루트인데요, prescreening repertoire에 보면 instruction이 아래와 같이 나와 있습니다.
The first step of the audition process is for you, the applicant, to upload a prescreening video by the December 1st application deadline. Piano accompaniment is not required. The prescreening recording must contain the following repertoire:
1. Mozart—Exposition of 1st and 2nd movements of Concerto in G Major or D Major (piano not necessary)>
2. One contrasting piece (solo flute or with optional piano)>
3. Two excerpts from the following list:>
•Mendelssohn Scherzo from A Midsummer Night’s Dream – 2 measures before P to the end>
•Beethoven Leonore Overture No. 3, measures 328–360>
•Brahms Symphony No.
4. Last movement, measures 93–105>
•Debussy Afternoon of a Faun, measures 1–4>
위의 곡 리스트 1-3 번을 보면, 곡마다 다른 것인지 아니면, 모든 곡을 반주하지 말라고 하는 것인지 명확하지가 않은 것 같습니다. 혹시 가능하면 음악 원 측에 문의 해 볼 수는 없을까요? 답변 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
등록된 댓글이 없습니다.