Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts


Re: Residential College

페이지 정보

작성자 뮤직에임 작성일20-07-19 01:52 조회3,881회 댓글0건



Residential colleges place first-time freshmen next door to classmates that share your major or career interests. Residential colleges feature programs, events and amenities tailored to your major, including: tutoring, advising, and academic 

resources. Additionally, residential staffs are prepared to help you build the foundation for your next four years at ASU. 


You will have an opportunity to continue your learning outside of the classroom by connecting with the faculty and staff 

in the residential community, participating in peer group dialogues and engaging with academic support activities in a 

supportive, close-knit community designed to help you succeed at ASU.  


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