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샌프란시스코 음악원 서울오디션 (건국대)

페이지 정보

작성자 뮤직에임 작성일15-10-27 10:41 조회20,559회 댓글0건


San Francisco 음대 원서작성 시 서울을 Live Audition 장소로 선택하라는 편지내용에 대한 회원님의 질문이 있어서 학교담당자에게 문의편지를 보냈었는데, 답변이 와서 질문해주신 회원님과 여러분에게 공지합니다. 원서관장기관인 Decision Desk의 실수라고 합니다. 이 잘못이 바로 잡히는 대로 알려준다고 하니, 연락 받는 대로 다시 공지하겠습니다. 참조하시라고 원문편지 게재합니다.
Dear Steve,
Thank you for your e-mail on 13th of October, 2015. As you instructed in your e-mail, I am trying to complete Decision Desk application form as early as possible, but I don’t think I can choose Seoul as a live audition location. As a matter of fact, there is no part for audition location selection in the application. Could you give me an advice on this matter for me? Thank you again for your attention on this matter and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Respectfully yours,
Kathleen Y. Kim, prospective MM student
Hi Kathleen,
I am very sorry. I have asked DecisionDesk many times to fix this and they told me they did.  I just went to check, and you are correct, it is not listed.  Complete the rest of your application, and I will let you know when they have verified it has been added.
Sorry again,
Steve Castles | Acting Director of Admission
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
50 Oak Street, San Francisco, CA 94102


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