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Carnegie Mellon 음대 violin 어때요?

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작성자 뮤직에임 작성일12-06-11 10:12 조회18,229회 댓글0건


Carnegie Mellon School of Music 1912 music department로 설립되었고, 1997년 음대가 되었으며 원래 미래의 Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra 단원들을 양성함이 설립취지였습니다. 올해 설립 100주년이 되었습니다. 음대는 기악, 특히 관악과 성악 쪽에서 알아주는 학교입니다. Pittsburg Symphony 출신 교수진이 널리 알려져 있습니다. 한국에서는 잘 모를지 몰라도 미국에서는 유명합니다. 음대 자체 역사가 벌써 백 년이 되었고 대학원생들에겐 거의 다 장학금 줄 정도로 제정도 좋습니다.. 미국 내 음대순위가 최근에 10위권에 올라섰지요. 학생 개인지도와 교수진의 지도학생들에게 쏟는 애정이 각별합니다. 다음은 Carnegie 음대 Violin 학과에 대한 글입니다
CMU is competitive for violinists - like the good conservatories, not an easy admits. The violin faculty is very fine - several "big name" draws. I've known several violinists choosing CMU in the past couple years, some for teacher, some for ability to pursue terrific academics and music. They were players of outstanding quality - definitely competitive for conservatories including Juilliard, NEC, CIM, etc. 
I visited at the beginning of April and really enjoyed my visit, which is why CMU is my first choice and why I'm attending their pre-college this summer. I got a tour of their facilities and I really enjoyed it. They have great acoustics in their recital halls and in their hallways. Their practice rooms are open late, although there aren't as many as there would be in a conservatory. But, because the program is conservatory-style, I really enjoyed the feel of it. The music program there is like a family, everyone is very close-knit.


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