Boston Conservatory at Berklee


Re: 성악전공 질문입니다. BoCo

페이지 정보

작성자 뮤직에임 작성일17-09-12 10:59 조회4,737회 댓글0건


안녕하세요. 뮤직에임에 질문 주셔서 감사합니다. 답변 드립니다. 1. 홈페이지에서 오디션 곡에서 찾은 내용입니다. 여기서 This does not have to be the same repertoire you plan to sing for your audition. 이내용은, 제가 녹음해서 보내는 곡이랑, 라이브 오디션 곡이랑 따로 준비해야 한다는 내용인가요? A; 많은 학생들이 prescreen 때 제출한 repertoire와 같은 곡으로 live audition을 치릅니다. 자매님 질문 본문에서도 나와 있듯이 이 곡목들이 학교 홈 페이지에서 요구하는 prescreen 요구조건을 만족하는 한 말이죠. 하지만 간혹 레슨 선생님의 조언, 각 나라 별 곡목 선택, 또는 지원자의 연주상황에 따라 live audition repertoire를 바꾸고자 할 때 이를 바꿀 수 가 있다는 말입니다. 물론 이 바뀌는 repertoire 곡 (들)도 학교에서 요구하는 오디션 requirement를 만족해야 하고요. 오디션 곡을 prescreen과 다른 곡으로 바꿀 경우 대부분의 경우 학교에 그 내용을 적어 문의하면 큰 무리 없이 바꿀 수 있기는 하나, 어떤 학교는 양식이 있어 일정의 요식행위가 필요하니, 이렇게 오디션 곡을 prescreen과 다른 곡으로 바꾸려는 경우,, 오디션 날 전에 반드시 학교에 문의해서 confirm 받은 후에 진행하는 것이 바람직합니다. 조금 부연설명 드리면 Boston Conservatory는 성적표를 제출할 때 다른 학교들과 달리 transcription agency를 통한 성적표를 요구한다는 점을 주의해야 하는 학교입니다. Transcription evaluation agency를 통해서 성적표를 받기 까지 오디션 결과 등을 통지하지 않기 때문에 이 학교를 지원할 때에는 이를 바드시 염두에 두고 지원해야 할 것입니다. 관련정보는 아래를 참조하세요. 관련 URL: Credential Evaluation Students with schooling that has been completed outside of the United States are required to submit a credential evaluation report. Below is information about what we need from you in terms of supporting materials. What Is Credential Evaluation? Credential evaluation is a process that provides Boston Conservatory at Berklee with an official report that lists the courses taken, marks received, and honors earned by the applicant in their U.S. equivalents. For example, the report will tell us if an applicant has the equivalent of a U.S. high school diploma, bachelor's degree, or other academic honor(s), and will list the marks received in the standard 4.0 U.S. grading system. Why Do I Need Credential Evaluation? Boston Conservatory at Berklee requires that applicants who have attended schools outside of the U.S. and Canada use a credential evaluation agency to submit a report of their academic equivalency. Documents must be submitted to Boston Conservatory at Berklee directly from a credential evaluation agency. The supporting materials are used in conjunction with the audition and application to determine whether an applicant is ready for admission to Boston Conservatory at Berklee. Any applicant who is enrolled or has graduated from an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma school with an IB Diploma is exempt from submitting documents through a credential evaluator. Note: Academic documents sent directly by the applicant will not be accepted to complete the application, nor can they be returned to the sender. Can I Just Send a Translation Instead? No. Credential evaluation and translation are not the same. Part of the credential evaluation process involves checking that the applicant attended the institutions and earned the honors that they have listed. We do not accept international transcripts directly from the applicant, and will not accept a translation to complete an application. What If My School Has U.S. Accreditation? If your school has U.S. accreditation, then you do not need to submit a credential evaluation for that institution. We will accept transcripts directly from schools that are accredited by the following: • The New England Association of Schools and Colleges • The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools • The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools • The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools • The Western Association of Schools and Colleges How Can I Get a Credential Evaluation Report? Berklee works closely with Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) and World Education Services (WES) and we recommend their services. Please visit their websites for specific information about submission requirements, service timelines, fees, and more. The credential evaluation process can take several weeks to complete, and we strongly urge you to begin the process as early as possible. Your application will not be complete until we have received credential evaluation reports for all of your academic credentials. How Do I Submit My Documents to ECE? 1. Please go to and click on the Apply Now button. 2. Print out the application and follow the mailing instructions provided. 3. Document requirements vary from country to country. Select your country from the drop-down menu on the Start Your Evaluation page for document submission guidelines. What Type of Report Should I Request? If you are currently attending secondary school (high school): • You will need a course-by-course report for all grades/marks received to date. If you have completed only secondary school (high school): • You will need a course-by-course report of your secondary school academic record. If you have completed secondary school and less than one year of university, college, or conservatory: • You will need a course-by-course report of your university, college, or conservatory, and a course-by-course of your final secondary school academic record. If you have completed secondary school and more than one year of university, college, or conservatory: • You will need a course-by-course report of your university, college, or conservatory and a general report of your final secondary school academic record. If you have completed secondary school and coursework at more than one university, college, or conservatory: • You will need a course-by-course report for each university, college, or conservatory attended and a general report of your final secondary school academic record. Important: All course-by-course reports must include a grade point average/grade equivalencies (GPA). Please make sure this is included in your report. Note: In section No. 3 on the ECE application for evaluation, please list "Boston Conservatory at Berklee" as the desired institution. ECE evaluations can be sent to us via pdf, fax, or postal mail only directly by ECE. What If I Want to Use Another Company? Although we highly recommend ECE and WES based on their cost to the applicant, we do accept credential evaluation reports from any of the following companies: • IERF • EEI The credential evaluation process can take several weeks to complete, and we strongly urge you to begin the process as early as possible. Your application will not be complete until we have received credential evaluation reports for all of your academic credentials. Important: All course-by-course reports must include a grade point average/grade equivalencies (GPA). Please make sure this is included in your report. What If I Have Not Finished High School/Secondary School? You must submit a credential evaluation report of all your courses/marks received so far. If you are admitted, you will be required to submit proof of graduation from secondary school/high school before attending Berklee. What If There Are No Grades/Marks Available for a School I Attended? If, for some reason, there are no grades/marks available from a school you have attended, then we need an official letter from the school or your Ministry of Education indicating that there are no grades available. When Are My Supporting Materials/the Credential Evaluation Due? • Applicants must submit materials by January 15. • Accepted students must submit final, completed evaluated transcripts with proof of graduation by August 15. Can I Audition and Interview Before Sending the Supporting Materials? Yes. The audition and interview are a separate part of your application. You should always audition or interview if you are able to. You should audition and interview even if you have not submitted your supporting materials or are going to submit your materials late. 2.Boston University 전공관련 Master of music, performance diploma, opera Institute, Artist Diploma, 차이가 무엇인가요?? Master of Music은 모두 아시다시피 음악석사 학위과정이고, performance diploma, artist diploma는 Music History나 Theory 등 전반적인 이론부분은 배우지 않고 실기 중심으로만 배우는, 학위과정이 아닌, 자격증 제도입니다. 그렇다고 이런 자격증 과정이 학사나 석사, 또는 박사과정보다 입학이 쉽다는 말은 절대 아닙니다. Manhattan을 비롯한 많은 명문음대들이 이런 자격증제도는 매년 많아야 2=3명이 입학할 정도로 입학이 어렵고,, 경쟁률이 치열하다고 합니다. 저도 지난 7-8년 동안 NEC에 artist diploma로 들어간 분을 한 분 밖에 못 봤을 정도로 난이도가 어렵다고 합니다. 학교마다 교육과정이 학사를 대신하거나, 석사, 박사를 대신하는 과정인가는 학교마다 부르는 명칭이 조금씩 다르니, 만일 관심이 있으시다면 자세히 알아 보신 후에 지원하는 것이 맞는다고 생각합니다. Opera Institute는 성악이 유명한 학교에서 opera studies를 심층교육하기 위해서 설립한 오페라 심화학습기관입니다. 성악으로 유명한 다수의 대학들이 이런 기관을 설립해서 운영하고 있습니다. University of Texas,, Temple University,, Boston University 등이 예가 되는 학교들이고, 이런 학교들은 voice performance외에 opera studies 전공이 따로 있으며, 일반적으로 opera studies 과정이 voice performance 보다 입학하기가 더 힘들다고 보시면 됩니다. 이상 제가 아는 한에서 말씀 드렸습니다. 도움이 됐으면 하는 바람이고요, 혹시 내용이 잘못 되거나 질문이 있으면 연락 부탁합니다. 질문내용이 제 게시판에 없는 내용이라서 괜찮으시다면 게시판에 올렸으면 하는데 가능할지 여쭤 보고 싶네요. 물론 게시지는 다른 이름으로 할 것입니다. 안일 허락하시면 운자 부탁합니다. 좋은 하루 되시고요^^ 뮤직에임 운영자 드림 Tel: 02-514-9725 Mobile: 010-9945-0425 E-mail: Web: Café: Blog: > > > 뮤직에임 사이트에서 도움을 받는 성악전공 학생 입니다. 질문이 있어 글을 올립니다. 제 질문은요. > > 1. Boston conservatory > This pre-screen recording must be accompanied and should include representative pieces that fulfill the audition requirements (below). This does not have to be the same repertoire you plan to sing for your audition. All works are to be performed from memory. An accompanist is provided for all voice auditions at the Conservatory. > > 홈페이지에서 오디션 곡에서 찾은 내용입니다. 여기서 This does not have to be the same repertoire you plan to sing for your audition. 이내용은, 제가 녹음해서 보내는 곡이랑, 라이브 오디션 곡이랑 따로 준비해야 한다는 내용인가요? > > 2.Boston University 전공관련 > > Master of music, performance diploma, opera Institute, Artist Diploma, 차이가 무엇인가요?? > >


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