작곡 & Music Technology
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작성자 뮤직에임 작성일16-04-26 12:12 조회20,083회 댓글0건첨부파일
- Carnegie Mellon BXA Fact Sheet Fall 2015.pdf (191.7K) 20회 다운로드 DATE : 2016-04-26 12:12:08
안녕하세요, 뮤직에임입니다. 질문주셔서 감사합니다. 언급하신 학교들에 대한 지원정보들을 정리해 보았습니다. 만일 질문자가 Michigan 프로그램을 지원할 수 있다면 다른 학교들도 지원할 수 있다고 생각합니다. 보시고 세부사항에 대해서 특정 질문이 있으면 연락주세요. 도움이 되기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Contact: smtd.credentials@umich.edu.
Intended major & program:
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Performing Arts Technology, Music Concentration (Curriculum B)
1. Essay requirement
Essay #1 (Required for all applicants. Approximately 250 words)
Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it.
Essay #2 (Required for all applicants. 500 words maximum) Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests?
2. Portfolio Requirements
Every Performing Arts Technology degree requires the submission of a portfolio by December 1, and subsequent interview with the Performing Arts Technology faculty. After a preliminary review of portfolios, a select number of applicants will be invited for on-campus interviews.
All Performing Arts Technology programs
Please upload the following four items. For each portfolio item, please provide a paragraph that briefly describes the equipment and techniques used, your motivation for the work, and the file name of the corresponding media. All sound files must be uncompressed stereo audio 16-bit resolution with a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz (CD quality)
1. a recording of you performing on a traditional acoustic instrument or voice, preferably with other instruments;
2. an arrangement of any fugue movement by J. S. Bach orchestrated for electronic instruments; Note: for the fugue, we encourage you to use any combination of synthesized digital sounds, MIDI-triggered samples, noise, found sound, sound effects, audio processing and plugins, layering, editing, or any other resources commonly found in audio and music software. You are welcome to use an existing MIDI file/score as your starting point. There is no "correct" way to complete this portfolio item. Experiment and have fun with it.
3. & 4. Pick two additional items from the following list:
· One example of an original composition (two to five minutes long) for electronic instruments and digital sounds; Note: an electronic composition does not require a notated score. Some sounds (for example: sound effects filter sweeps, noise) may be impossible to notate in a musical score.
· A recording of an original composition (two to five minutes long) for one or more acoustic instruments and/or voices accompanied by a notated score; Note: an acoustic composition recording can be a MIDI mockup created with software instruments. You are welcome to fulfill the performance requirement by performing on your composition.
· Two stereo recordings that you have engineered that represent contrasting musical styles;
Note: the recordings should be produced primarily from microphone signals. Original compositions are encouraged but not required. These two stereo recordings count as one item. You are welcome to fulfill the performance requirement by performing on your recordings.
· an original video (up to five minutes in length) - such as a music video, live concert, animation, short film, video installation;
· visual art such as photography, painting, digital art, or drawing;
· original sound design, composition, or recording for visual media;
· documentation (video, audio, and/or still images) of a performance with electronic music hardware or an interactive system of your own design;
We require at least a 3.5 GPA in high school academic courses, and either an SAT math sub score of 630 or better, or an ACT math sub score of 28 or better. It is also important that students have:
· extensive coursework in mathematics, preferably through at least pre-calculus
· extensive coursework in natural science, with demonstrated aptitude
· experience with music theory and ear training
· high level proficiency on an acoustic instrument
· some experience with sound reinforcement and multitrack recording
Questions regarding these requirements should be directed to the Office of Admissions and Student Services at the School of Music, Theatre & Dance (734.763.7558).
NYU Steinhardt School BM in Composition
Contact: Dr. Youngmi Ha at youngmi.ha@nyu.edu
1. Application: Common Application
2. Portfolio
Composition portfolio must contain three or four scores of original works in different instrumentation and style, accompanied by an audio recording of at least two of the works. Portfolio must be submitted online via Get Accepted before the audition. If you cannot make the audition, please upload your performance video.
3. Audition
Audition is required for undergraduate applicants. You will perform two pieces in contrasting styles on an instrument of your choice. One of these pieces may be a composition of your own, but at least one (and, if you prefer, both) of them must be a work by a composer other than yourself. Please note that accompanists are not required nor provided. Live auditions will include short interview about your history as a composer and may include testing of music theory fundamentals. Students interested in the Film Scoring concentration can bring examples of their work with visual media. If you cannot make the audition please upload a video of your live performances.
Carnegie Mellon University
Contact: undergraduate-admissions@andrew.cmu.edu
Intended Major & program:
Bachelor of Computer Science & Arts (BCSA)
1. Essay requirement
(1) tell us about your past and present forms of recognition for academic achievement,
(2) note past and present involvement in arts-related activities and artistic achievement,
(3) note the areas(s) of the fine arts that you intend to pursue as a BCSA student, and
(4) articulate your educational objectives, discuss why you feel that the BCSA Program is uniquely suited to achieve these objectives and how your two areas of study will reinforce each other.
Students interested in the BCSA program must apply and be admitted to both the College of Fine Arts and the School of Computer Science. BHA, BSA, and BCSA applicants must submit an essay of interdisciplinary intent. The BXA Intercollege Degree Programs are competitive and require that students maintain a strong academic record in both areas of study (첨부파일 참조)
2. Portfolio requirement
Slide room: Upload same as Michigan Ann Arbor
Northwestern University
Contact: Lee Hyla, coordinator, Composition Program: l-hyla@northwestern.edu & Jay Alan Yim, coordinator, Composition Program: jaymar@northwestern.edu
Intended major & program: Bachelor of Arts in Music
1. Common application
2. Additional materials
The applicant must be able to read music and submit the following online by December 1:
• An example of musicianship such as: classical or jazz audition, performance on a non-Western musical instrument, music compositions, electronic arts, performance art, etc.
• Five-page essay on a musical topic relevant to the applicant’s interests.
• One-page “Statement of Purpose” on the intended area of specialization
안녕하세요. 어머님이 통화를 하셨다는 말씀에 연락을 드립니다. 저는 작곡전공으로 미국음대에 진학하려는 학생입니다. 현재 미국에 온지 6년째가 되고 New Jersey 고등학교에 재학하며, 올해 12학년이 됩니다. 작곡과 이와 관련된 technology쪽도 함께 공부하고 싶은데요. University of Michigan, NYU Steinhardt, Carnegie Mellon, 그리고 Northwestern 대학의 해당 학과에 관심이 있습니다. 위에 말씀드린 학교에 어떤 전공으로 가는 것이 제가 원하는 공부를 하기에 적합할까요? 또 입학조건이 어떠하며 어느 정도의 수준이 되어야 입학이 가능한지 궁금합니다. 5월 방학이 되면 한국에 가서 의논 드리겠지만, 그 동안 대강 개요라도 알고 싶어서요. 정보 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
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