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2015년 가을학기 입학을 위한 미국음대 한국 오디션

페이지 정보

작성자 뮤직에임 작성일14-07-09 11:54 조회22,153회 댓글0건


메인 사이트: https://usaschoolsofmusic.com/


참가학교: Oberlin College Conservatory, Boston University, Manhattan School of Music, Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University,


Audition Application

In order to be scheduled for an audition in your city you must complete a Request for Audition application.

Click here to access the application.


Seoul audition schedule

일시: Sunday, October 5
장소: Baroque Chamber Hall

서초구 서초3 1450-2 DSI빌딩 3

Contact: 김지현 at kjhyun5210@gmail.com


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